
As a variant of the classical trust-region method for unconstrained optimization, the cubic regularization of the Newton method introduces a cubic regularization term in the surrogate objective to adaptively adjust the updating step and deals with cases with both indefinite and definite Hessians. It has been demonstrated that the cubic regularization of the Newton method enjoys a good global convergence and is an efficient solver for the unconstrained minimization. The main computational cost in each iteration is to solve a cubic regularization subproblem. The Newton iteration is a common and efficient method for this task, especially for small- to medium-size problems. For large size problems, a Lanczos type method was proposed in [C. Cartis, N. I. M. Gould, and P. L. Toint, Math. Program., 127 (2011), pp. 245--295]. This method relies on a Lanczos procedure to reduce the large-scale cubic regularization subproblem to a small one and solve it by the Newton iteration. For large and ill-conditioned problems, the Lanczos method still needs to produce a large dimensional subspace to achieve a relatively highly accurate approximation, which declines its performance overall. In this paper, we first show that the cubic regularization subproblem can be equivalently transformed into a quadratic eigenvalue problem, which provides an eigensolver alternative to the Newton iteration. We then establish the convergence of the Lanczos method and also propose a nested restarting version for the large scale and ill-conditioned case. By integrating the nested restarting Lanczos iteration into the cubic regularization of the Newton method, we verify its efficiency for solving large scale minimization problems in CUTEst collection.

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