
The kid in all of us appreciates a good mystery. As kids, we wanted to figure out how that spider web was created and what it was made of, how to formulate that disappearing ink we saw on TV, or how and why Nancy Drew used fingerprints to solve mysteries. The 2016 National Chemistry Week (NCW) theme of “Solving Mysteries Through Chemistry!” pulls at our inner child. Chemists are solving chemical mysteries daily, and NCW 2016 calls on NCW coordinators and ACS volunteers to bring the chemistry of mysteries to children and adults across the U.S. and the world. Outreach activities give chemists an opportunity to share the excitement of chemistry with the public. On the Saturday before the ACS national meeting in Philadelphia, ACS members and volunteers engaged the public in hands-on chemistry activities at the Franklin Institute. This outreach event alone reached more than 600 members of the

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