
In this paper, an airport ground service task assignment problem is studied. A task represents a service, which must be performed by one or multiple ground crew of a shift with required qualification/proficiency within a prescribed time period. For every assigned task, define "task priority" times "task duration" as the "benefit" generated. The objective is to maximize the summation of "benefit" for all the assigned tasks. The problem is modeled as an integer linear programming problem with mathematical formulation. A branch-and-price algorithm is proposed for solving the problem instances to optimality. To expedite the column generation process, an acceleration strategy is proposed. The computational results show that our proposed branch-and-price algorithm is capable of solving large-sized instances and the acceleration strategy is quite effective in reducing the computational time. Moreover, the impact of changing various characteristics of tasks and shifts on the performance of the algorithm is studied in detail with supporting computational experiments. In particular, the impact of reducing the qualifications is significant with 20.82% improvement in the objective value.

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