
Zeta potential is a surface characteristic formed on the solid surface and liquid interface. It is an interesting way to describe the surface properties of materials; thus, a series of four homemade polar embedded stationary phases that contain phosphate groups incorporated into hydrophobic ligands were investigated according to surface zeta potential. Measurements were carried out using Zetasizer Nano ZS for the stationary phases suspensions prepared in various solvent and solvent binary mixtures. The negative zeta potential values were obtained for most cases due to negatively charged residual silanols and phosphate groups. However, in some solvents: tetrahydrofuran, isopropanol, and toluene zeta potential are positive. Additionally, it was observed that the zeta potential seems to be independent of the type of silica gel used for the stationary phase synthesis.


  • Silica gel is the most common support of stationary phases synthesis

  • Five phosphate embedded stationary phases were tested according to the zeta potential in various solvents and solvent mixtures

  • The negative zeta potential values were obtained for most cases due to negatively charged residual silanols and phosphate groups

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The bonding of hydrophobic or polar groups to the silica surface influences the surface properties, changing their polarity. It influences the zeta potential of such a surface when it is in contact with a liquid or a liquid mixture [1,2,3]. From the practical point of view, the zeta potential is the critical characteristic of the electric double layer. This parameter is essential in describing the mechanisms occurring at the surface where the stationary phase is in contact with the liquid mobile phase. The creation of an electric double layer takes place in each liquid chromatographic separation and influences the retention and selectivity of the separation

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