
AbstractThe rapid cracking of lightly stressed rubbery block polymers of styrene and isoprene in certain liquids and vapors has been examined experimentally, by using model test pieces containing a single crack. Solvents which preferentially dissolve the rigid molecular end blocks rather than the rubbery center blocks are efficient cracking agents. The stress required for crack growth to occur is shown to be in accord with a simple energy criterion: the stored elastic energy must be sufficient to provide a characteristic energy for the newly formed surface. This characteristic energy ranges from values close to the surface energy of simple liquids up to about 100 times this value for thicker test pieces or slowly diffusing vapors, when some tearing of an incompletely swollen core is inferred. “Induction times,” before the initial crack starts to grow, are shown to be due to a progressive increase in stored energy under a constant stress as the material absorbs solvent and softens until the critical energy criterion is met. Thus, a timedependent fracture process is shown to be in accord with a constant energy criterion. Above the critical condition the rate of crack growth depends strongly upon stress, like tearing of amorphous elastomers, and the crack then accelerates rapidly.

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