
ABSTRACT Neutral organophosphorus compounds containing a phosphoryl donor group were found to cause synergistic shifts in the extraction of neodymium(III) and erbium(III) from chloride media by solutions of 3,5-diisopropylsalicyUc acid in xylene. With the series of compounds containing n-butyl substituent groups (R), the extent of the synergistic effect for both metals follows the order of increasing basicity caused by the progressive replacement of alkoxy groups by alkyl groups through the series: (RO)3PO < (RO) 2RPO < (RO)R2PO < R3PO. For the series of compounds with R = isobutyl, irregularities occur in this order, presumably because of steric effects. Both steric and electro-inductive effects appear to play a role in determining the extent of the synergistic shifts caused by the series of isomeric phosphonates, (n-C4H9O) 2RPO, where R = n-butyl, isobutyl, sec-butyl and tert-butyl. Treatment of distribution data by slope analysis and by the method of continuous variation suggests that the extracted neo...

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