
An experimental study has been performed on 30 New Zealand rabbits to compare autogenous cartilage harvested from the rabbits' auricles, bone graft harvested from the iliac crest of the rabbits, and the commercially available solvent dehydrated human costal cartilage (SDHCC) grafts, each measuring 1 x 1 cm. The grafts are divided into two groups, one group of grafts are inserted into pouches on the cranial bones subperiosteally and the other subfascially on the back of the animals. The grafts are evaluated on the 4th and the 12th weeks. No problems, such as dehiscence, hematoma, infection, erythema, flap necrosis, or graft exposition, occurred during the postoperative follow-up. SDHCC grafts are well tolerated and preserved by the host. They are infiltrated by the fibrous connective tissue and are firmly fixed to the surrounding structures. By the end of 12th week, the thickness of SDHCC grafts were not significantly different, compared with autogenous cartilage grafts, but both were thicker than the autogenous bone grafts. Viable chondrocytes and active cartilage development on SDHCC grafts were seen by the 4th week and chondrogenetic and osteogenetic activity on the 12th demonstrate the feasibility of clinical use of SDHCC grafts for soft and bony defects.

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