
AbstractThe isomerisation of glucose to fructose is a critical step towards manufacturing petroleum‐free chemicals from lignocellulosic biomass. Herein we show that Hf‐containing zeolites are unique catalysts for this reaction, enabling true thermodynamic equilibrium to be achieved in a single step during intensified continuous operation, which no chemical or biological catalyst has yet been able to achieve. Unprecedented single‐pass yields of 58 % are observed at a fructose selectivity of 94 %, and continuous operation for over 100 hours is demonstrated. The unexpected performance of the catalyst is realised following a period of activation within the reactor, during which time interaction with the solvent generates a state of activity that is absent in the synthesised catalyst. Mechanistic studies by X‐ray absorption spectroscopy, chemisorption FTIR, operando UV/Vis and 1H–13C HSQC NMR spectroscopy indicate that activity arises from isolated HfIV atoms with monofunctional acidic properties.


  • Pressing environmental and societal concerns are driving researchers to develop new processes with minimised reliance on fossil resources.[1]

  • Our preliminary experiments revealed that amongst a range of analogous Lewis acidic silicate zeolites—each of which was prepared by fluoride-media hydrothermal synthesis (SI Figure S1)—Sn-BEA was the best performing catalyst for GI during batch operation in methanol (MeOH), which was chosen as solvent as it maximises catalyst stability and facilitates downstream processing (Table 1).[9a,b] Other Lewis acidic silicates were either much less active (Ti-BEA, Zr-BEA), or inactive (Hf-BEA), for GI

  • Hf-containing zeolites are shown to be unique catalysts for glucose-fructose isomersation, enabling unprecedented single pass yields of 58 % to be achieved at a fructose selectivity of 94 %, for over 100 hours on stream

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The isomerisation of glucose to fructose (GI) is a key step towards converting glucose (the most abundant fraction of lignocellulose) into a variety of commercially relevant chemicals, including furanics, levulinates and unsaturated hydroxyesters.[3] enzymes catalyse GI to single pass fructose yields of up to 42 %,[4] development of a solid (heterogeneous) catalyst capable of performing this reaction would be an important step forward, both by improving operational flexibility (temperature, pH, feed purity)[5] and facilitating process intensification.[6] To date, it has become generally appreciated that tin (Sn) containing zeolites ( Sn-BEA) possess the greatest potential for chemocatalytic GI.[7] Zeolites are crystalline, microporous silicates, which in the case of Sn-BEA is a three-dimensional silicate containing dilute amounts of Lewis acidic SnIV atoms within its lattice.[8] the high activity of Sn-BEA for GI has received widespread attention, several negative aspects of its performance are less appreciated, such as its poor stability in the polar solvents required for biomass conversion,[9] and its tendency to catalyse a variety of competitive and/or degradation reactions at operational conditions.[10] The latter is especially problematic, as it wastes a precious resource[1b] and negatively impacts process economics. Productivity isomerisation to be achieved without the undesirable side reactions that plague existing chemo-catalysts

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