
We study a one-dimensional XX chain under nonequilibrium driving and local dephasing described by the Lindblad master equation. The analytical solution for the nonequilibrium steady state found for particular parameters in a previous study [M. Žnidarič J. Stat. Mech. (2010) L05002] is extended to arbitrary coupling constants, driving, and a homogeneous magnetic field. All one-, two-, and three-point correlation functions are explicitly evaluated. It is shown that the nonequilibrium stationary state is not Gaussian. Nevertheless, in the thermodynamic and weak-driving limit it is only weakly correlated and can be described by a matrix product operator ansatz with matrices of fixed dimension 4. A nonequilibrium phase transition at zero dephasing is also discussed. It is suggested that the scaling of the relaxation time with the system size can serve as a signature of a nonequilibrium phase transition.

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