
Two-dimensional models with massless fermions (Thirring model, Thirring–Wess and Schwinger model, among others) have been solved exactly a long time ago in the conventional (space-like) form of field theory and in some cases also in the conformal field theoretical approach. However, solutions in the light-front form of the theory have not been obtained so far. The primary obstacle is the apparent difficulty with light-front quantization of free massless fermions, where one half of the fermionic degrees of freedom seems to “disappear” due to the structure of a non-dynamical constraint equation. We shall show a simple way how the missing degree of freedom can be recovered as the massless limit of the massive solution of the constraint. This opens the door to the genuine light front solution of the above models since their solvability is related to free Heisenberg fields, which are the true dynamical variables in these models. In the present contribution, we give an operator solution of the light front Thirring model, including the correct form of the interacting quantum currents and of the Hamiltonian. A few remarks on the light-front Thirring–Wess models are also added. Simplifications and clarity of the light-front formalism turn out to be quite remarkable.

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