
The well C-2P had its first oil production in July 2008, the initial production rate is 3,000 barrels/day. Due to the reservoir pressure depletion in 2017-2018, the well faced difficulties in kicking off to open the well for production. In November 2018, when the C-5PST2 well was put into production, the C-2P well was not produced by natural flowing. The kicking off has been attempted many times but the well still won't flow. The main reason the well couldn’t flow is due to low reservoir pressure which has not enough energy to push all the fluid in the well to the surface after each well shutdown. The flow assurance study shows, at the reservoir pressure of 3,000 Psi, and tubing head pressure of 950 Psi, the well can’t flow naturally. In addition, with the reservoir pressure of 3,000 psia and applying the gaslift injection rate of 1.0 MMscf/d, injection point at 3,030 mTVD, the well flowed. The continuous gaslift pump helps maintain the well's production in case the reservoir pressure drops even lower to 2,000 psi, and at the same time, optimizing the gaslift pump flow helps to increase the well production by 100-300 barrels of oil/day. When the reservoir pressure drops lower, it is necessary to lower the gaslift valve deeper to continue kicking off the well and maintain the well production performance. On the other hand, due to the lack of a gaslift valve for the original design of C-2P well so it's necessary to have gaslift tubing pack off in order to bring the well back to production, maintain stability and improve production. This paper, therefore, presents the results of the research on the solution to increase the production output of the C-2P well located in X oil field used gaslift valve combining with the tubing pack off. Results of the research on the application of solution show that the well's production output has increased significantly (0.354 million barrels) in the first year of applying the solution.

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