
We have compared solutions obtained from the bi-Maxwellian based 16-moment transport equations with those obtained from the Maxwellian based 13-moment transport equations for conditions leading to the steady state, subsonic flow of a fully-ionized electron-proton plasma along geomagnetic field lines in the vicinity of the plasmapause. The bi-Maxwellian based equations can account for large temperature anisotropies and the flow of both parallel and perpendicular thermal energy, while the Maxwellian based equations account for small temperature anisotropies and only the total heat flow. Our comparison indicates that for Stable Auroral Red arc (SAR-arc) conditions leading to strong field-aligned heat flows (temperatures of 8000 K and temperature gradients of4K. km −1 at 1500 km), the bi-Maxwellian based equations predict a different thermal structure in the topside ionosphere than the less rigorous Maxwellian based equations. In particular, the bi-Maxwellian based equations predict proton and electron temperature anisotropies with T ∥ > T ⊥, while the Maxwellian based equations predict the opposite behavior for the same boundary conditions. This difference is related to the way in which the temperature anisotropies and heat flows are treated in the two formulations. For the bi-Maxwellian based equations, the inclusion of separate heat flows for parallel and perpendicular thermal energy allows for the development of a pronounced tail in both the electron and proton distribution functions, which leads to temperature anisotropies with T ∥ > T ⊥. For the Maxwellian based equations, on the other hand, the tail development is restricted because only the total heat flow is considered. Consequently, as the heat flows down, the presence of an increasing magnetic field acts to produce an anisotropy with T ⊥ > T ∥, and this process dominates tail formation for the Maxwellian based equations.

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