
We study the well-posedness of the second order degenerate integro-differential equations (P2): (Mu)″(t) + α(Mu)′(t) = Au(t) + Σ−∞ta(t − s)Au(s)ds + f(t), 0 ⩽ t ⩽ 2π, with periodic boundary conditions Mu(0) = Mu(2π), (Mu)′(0) = (Mu)′(2π), in periodic Lebesgue-Bochner spaces Lp(\(\mathbb{T}\),X), periodic Besov spaces Bp,qs(\(\mathbb{T}\),X) and periodic Triebel-Lizorkin spaces Fp,qs (\(\mathbb{T}\),X), where A and M are closed linear operators on a Banach space X satisfying D(A) ⊂ D(M), a ∈ L1(ℝ+) and α is a scalar number. Using known operatorvalued Fourier multiplier theorems, we completely characterize the well-posedness of (P2) in the above three function spaces.

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