
Tensors arise naturally in high-dimensional problems in chemistry, financial mathematics, and many other areas. The numerical treatment of such problems is difficult due to the curse of dimensionality: the number of unknowns and the computational complexity grow exponentially with the dimension of the problem. To break the curse of dimensionality, low-parametric representations, or formats, have to be used. In this paper we make use of the TT-format (tensor-train format) which is one of the most effective stable representations of high-dimensional tensors. Basic linear algebra operations in the TT-format are now well developed. Our goal is to provide a “black-box” type of solver for linear systems where both the matrix and the right-hand side are in the TT-format. An efficient DMRG (density matrix renormalization group) method is proposed, and several tricks are employed to make it work. The numerical experiments confirm the effectiveness of our approach.

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