
Brownmillerite-type Ca2AlMnO5 exhibits remarkable oxygen uptake/release capability, and therefore is a promising material for achieving energy efficient air separation. This study investigates optimized conditions for the glycine-nitrate-based solution combustion synthesis (SCS) of Ca2AlMnO5. The effects of glycine content and duration of heat treatment on the morphology, crystallinity, and oxygen uptake/release performance of the products were investigated. Single phase Ca2AlMnO5, whose maximum reversible oxygen uptake/release capacity is about 3.0 wt%, was successfully synthesized by combination of SCS with various quantities of glycine and heat treatment at 1250 °C for various lengths of time. Greater crystallinity and larger capacities for reversible oxygen uptake/release were obtained from products prepared with longer periods of heat treatment. Single phase Ca2AlMnO5 can be synthesized by a combination of SCS and just 1 min of heat treatment at 1250 °C.

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