
A combined one-dimensional nuclear Overhauser effect, paramagnetic-induced relaxation and two-dimensional sequence-specific 1H n.m.r. assignment of the spectrum of portions of the distal pocket of Aplysia cyano metMyoglobin (metMbCN) has been carried out in order to establish the presence and identity of distal residues in the heme pocket. In the absence of the usual distal E7 His in Aplysia Mb (E7 Val), the sequence-specific assignment of the E7 and E10 residues, together with their hyperfine shift patterns, relaxivities and dipolar connectivities to each other and the remainder of the E helix, reveal that the E10 Arg is turned into the pocket and hydrogen bonds to the bound cyanide group. We have previously found a similar rearrangement of the E10 Arg in Aplysia fluoro metMyoglobin, and the stabilizing effect of this residue was proposed to be responsible for the slow rate of cyanide dissociation from rapidly reduced ferrous Aplysia myoglobin. Based on the similar distal E7 His hydrogen-bonding interaction to the bound ligand in the crystal of sperm whale MbO 2 and in solution of its cyano met complex, we propose that the E10 Arg similarly hydrogen bonds to the bound O 2 in Aplysia MbO 2 and accounts for its strong ligand binding and slow dissociation rate.

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