
An altered distribution of membrane gangliosides (GM), including GM1, has recently been reported in the brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Moreover, amyloid-positive synaptosomes obtained from AD brains were found to contain high-density GM1 clusters, suggesting a pathological significance of GM1 increase at presynaptic neuritic terminals in AD. Here, we show that membrane GM1 specifically recruits small soluble oligomers of the 42-residue form of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ42), with intracellular flux of Ca2+ ions in primary rat hippocampal neurons and in human neuroblastoma cells. Specific membrane proteins appear to be involved in the early and transient influx of Ca2+ ions induced by Aβ42 oligomers with high solvent-exposed hydrophobicity (A+), but not in the sustained late influx of the same oligomers and in that induced by Aβ42 oligomers with low solvent-exposed hydrophobicity (A-) in GM1-enriched cells. In addition, A+ oligomers accumulate in proximity of membrane NMDA and AMPA receptors, inducing the early and transient Ca2+ influx, although FRET shows that the interaction is not direct. These results suggest that age-dependent clustering of GM1 within neuronal membranes could induce neurodegeneration in elderly people as a consequence of an increased ability of the lipid bilayers to recruit membrane-permeabilizing oligomers. We also show that both lipid and protein components of the plasma membrane can contribute to neuronal dysfunction, thus expanding the molecular targets for therapeutic intervention in AD.

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