
Dynamics of a chain of interacting parity-time-invariant nonlinear dimers is investigated. A dimer is built as a pair of coupled elements with equal gain and loss. A relation between stationary soliton solutions of the model and solitons of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger (DNLS) equation is demonstrated. Approximate solutions for solitons whose width is large in comparison to the lattice spacing are derived, using a continuum counterpart of the discrete equations. These solitons are mobile, featuring nearly elastic collisions. Stationary solutions for narrow solitons, which are immobile due to the pinning by the effective Peierls-Nabarro potential, are constructed numerically, starting from the anticontinuum limit. The solitons with the amplitude exceeding a certain critical value suffer an instability leading to blowup, which is a specific feature of the nonlinear parity-time-symmetric chain, making it dynamically different from DNLS lattices. A qualitative explanation of this feature is proposed. The instability threshold drops with the increase of the gain-loss coefficient, but it does not depend on the lattice coupling constant, nor on the soliton's velocity.

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