
MXenes are a class of two-dimensional layered structure ternary metal carbide or/and nitride materials. Recently, the MXene V2CTx has demonstrated excellent long-term stability, strong saturable absorption, and fast optical-switching capability, used to generate Q-switched and ultrashort pulsed lasers. However, bound-state fiber lasers based on V2CTx have not been reported yet. In this study, V2CTx is combined with a D-shaped fiber to form a saturable absorber device, whose modulation depth is measured to be 1.6%. By inserting the saturable absorber into an Er-doped fiber laser, bound states with different soliton separation and munbers are successfully obtained. Additionally, bound states with a compound soliton structure, such as the (2 + 2)- and (2 + 1)-type, are also realized. Our findings show that V2CTx can be developed as an efficient ultrafast photonics candidate to further understand the complex nonlinear dynamics of bound-state pulses in fiber lasers.

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