
We demonstrate the generation of solitons and bound-state solitons in a passively mode-locked fiber laser based on the nonlinear polarization rotation effect by polarization-dependent helical grating. The CO2-laser-inscribed grating has a high polarization-dependent loss of 24.4 dB at 1558.4 nm, which has facilitated the achievement of stable mode locking. The soliton laser could generate 548.9 fs pulses at 1560.59 nm with a spectrum bandwidth of 5.45 nm and a signal-to-noise ratio of 75.2 dB. Through adjustment of the polarization controller and pump power, a bound-state soliton mode-locked pulse with a spectral modulation period of 3.11 nm was achieved and the temporal interval between the two solitons was 2.19 ps. Furthermore, its repetition rate can be easily manipulated by varying the pump power. The results indicated that the polarization-dependent helical grating is an excellent polarizer that could be applied in an ultrafast fiber laser.

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