
A piezoelectric and pyroelectric material of great technological importance is the phase-I, or β-phase, form of poly(vinylidene fluoride), also known as PVF2. In this phase the crystal consists of a parallel array of planar zigzag macromolecules, each constructed of alternating and oppositely oriented CF2 and CH2 units. The large electric dipole moment of 7x10−30 Cm of each CF2 unit and their parallel orientation in the unit cell make this material piezoelectric. The orthorhombic unit cell, shown in Fig. 1, has a dipole moment of 1.4x10−29 Cm.KeywordsSolitary WaveTorsional AngleVinylidene FluoridePoling ProcessParallel ArrayThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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