
Cysticercosis and Taeniasis are two conditions that tapeworms can transmit to humans. Cysticerci can be contracted by eating pork meat or eating eggs with tainted water. Cystocercosis of the muscles typically has no symptoms. Once the infection has been identified, it is critical to screen out intra-ocular and intra-cranial involvement since involuting cysticercus causes a strong inflammatory response that, if not discovered and treated promptly, can result in blindness. Controlling fecal contamination of water and food requires proper sanitation and personal hygiene. Food that is raw or inadequately cooked should be avoided, especially in endemic areas. A crucial component of treatment is conservative treatment with medicines. Surgical intervention is reserved for instances that do not react to conservative treatment and do not provide symptomatic relief. In our case, after establishing the diagnosis with ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, albendazole was administered as treatment and the definite diagnosis was made. In conclusion, although isolated soft tissue cysticercosis is difficult to identify most of the time, especially when it is not accompanied by central nervous system infection, if larvae can be demonstrated with any imaging modalities, cysticercosis can be easily diagnosed without further differential diagnosis.

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