
Last week some 500 men and women gathered in New York City. Their presence in the sense of numbers caused not a ripple in blase urban New York. Their presence in the sense of action, however, should cause much more than a ripple in distressed urban America. They gathered under the auspices of the American Management Association. Their purpose: to mobilize business management in the battle against urban decay. Their stimulus: those who share, build; those who don't, destroy. Much needs to be done to improve the sharing in urban America, of course. The poorly housed need aid in getting better housing; the unhoused need housing, period. The poorly trained need refreshing for a changing society; the untrained need simple training, period. But above all, the softcore underemployed need better opportunities opened to them; the hardcore unemployed need opportunities, period. Fortunately, few any longer ask why. Now the questions are clearly what and how. Such ...

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