
The API triethylenetetramine dihydrochloride used as an alternative treatment of Wilson⿿s disease is sensitive to water and it exhibits polymorphism. As this may become an issue for the drug formulation, the physical stability has been studied by differential scanning calorimetry, high-pressure thermal analysis, dynamic vapor sorption, and X-ray diffraction as a function of temperature. In addition, high-pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry have been used to study the purity and chemical stability of the API. A pressure-temperature phase diagram of the pure compound has been constructed and it can be concluded that form II is monotropic in relation to form I, which is the only stable solid. The solubilities of the different solid forms have been determined with the help of a temperature ⿿ composition phase diagram. The API is very soluble, at 20° C about 10% of the saturated solution with respect to the dihydrate consists of API and the solubility of the pure form I is twice as high. Moreover, it has been shown that at 20°C, a relative humidity above 40% induces the formation of the dihydrate and at 70% a saturated solution appears. At higher temperatures, the formation of the dihydrate appears at lower relative humidity values. A clear link has been established between the API⿿s chemical stability, its physical stability and the relative humidity in the air. Humidity levels above 40% are detrimental to the quality of the API.

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