
Solid flow in a Geldart’s group B circulating fluidized bed (CFB) riser is complex, and it exhibits backflow and recirculation in the riser. A single radioactive tracer particle is used to measure the overall and sectional residence time distribution in a CFB riser at a gas velocity of 7.6–9.2 m/s and a solid flux of 100–200 kg/m2s. At the same time, radioactive particle tracking (RPT) data are used to measure the trajectories of the tracer particle and its length distribution at the bottom and middle sections of the riser. Both residence time distribution (RTD) and trajectory length distribution data obtained from RPT and RTD experiments are processed and compared. Results show that the bottom section has higher back mixing than the middle section. The results also show that back mixing in both the sections reduces with an increase in the gas inlet velocity and reduces marginally with an increase in the solid flux. Results confirm that RPT and RTD data are highly correlated and can be used with the same accuracy to quantify the macromixing behavior of any process vessel/reactor.

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