
An overview of the most recent status of Solid Oxide Cell (SOC) and stack developments within TNO will be presented. The techno-economic analysis of methanol synthesis using co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O as the source of the required syngas for methanol synthesis demonstrates the feasibility of the methanol synthesis at a production cost of < 700 €/ton. The in-house solid oxide cell manufacturing development has resulted in high porosity fuel electrode-supported-cells with cell dimensions up to 20x20 cm2, capable of high performance steam-, co- and CO2 electrolysis. Both an experimental proof of co-electrolysis of CO2 and steam towards a syngas composition suited for methanol synthesis and CO2-electrolysis have been realized on a single cell level, making use of 10x10 cm2 electrode-supported cells. CO2-electrolysis towards CO, demonstrated CO2-conversion levels up to 60%.

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