
A review is presented on the current state of the art and future trends in the development of sol–gel stationary phases for capillary electrochromatography (CEC). The design and synthesis of stationary phases with prescribed chromatographic and surface charge properties represent challenging tasks in contemporary CEC research. Further developments in CEC as a high-efficiency liquid-phase separation technique will greatly depend on new breakthroughs in the area of stationary phase development. The requirements imposed on CEC stationary phase performance are significantly more demanding compared with those for HPLC. The design of CEC stationary phase must take into consideration the structural characteristics that will provide not only the selective solute/stationary phase interactions leading to chromatographic separations but also the surface charge properties that determine the magnitude and direction of the electroosmotic flow responsible for the mobile phase movement through the CEC column. Therefore, the stationary phase technology in CEC presents a more complex problem than in conventional chromatographic techniques. Different approaches to stationary phase development have been reported in contemporary CEC literature. The sol–gel approach represents a promising direction in this important research. It is applicable to the preparation of CEC stationary phases in different formats: surface coatings, micro/submicro particles, and monolithic beds. Besides, in the sol–gel approach, appropriate sol–gel precursors and other building blocks can be selected to create a stationary phase with desired structural and surface properties. One remarkable advantage of the sol–gel approach is the mild thermal conditions under which the stationary phase synthesis can be carried out (typically at room temperature). It also provides an effective pathway to integrating the advantageous properties of organic and inorganic material systems, and thereby enhancing and fine-tuning chromatographic selectivity of the created hybrid organic-inorganic stationary phases. This review focuses on recent developments in the design, synthesis, characterization, properties, and applications of sol–gel stationary phases in CEC.

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