
Solar hard X-ray and \(\gamma\)-ray emissions were measured by the Detector of the Roentgen and Gamma-ray Emissions (DRGE) instrument, which is part of the RELEC set of instruments operated onboard the Russian satellite Vernov, from July 8, 2014 until December 10, 2014 (on a solar-synchronous orbit with an apogee of 830 km, perigee of 640 km, and an inclination of \(98.4^{\circ}\)). RELEC measurements of 18 flares with X-ray energy \({>}\,30~\mbox{keV}\), taken in September – October 2014, were connected with the same active region with the number AR 12172 during the first rotation and AR 12192 during the next one. These measurements were compared to the data obtained with RHESSI, Konus-Wind, Fermi Observatory, Radio Solar Telescope Net (RSTN), and the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) operating at the same time. Quasi-periodicities with similar periods of \(7\pm2~\mbox{s}\) were found in about one third of all flares measured by RELEC (Vernov) from September 24 until October 30, 2014.

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