
ABSTRACT The behaviour of the solar wind (SW) proton temperature and velocity and their relationship during Forbush decreases (FDs) associated with various types of solar source – coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and coronal holes (CHs) – have been studied. Analysis of cosmic ray variations, SW temperature, velocity, density, plasma beta, and magnetic field (from 1965–2019) is carried out using three databases: the OMNI database, Variations of Cosmic Rays database (IZMIRAN) and Forbush Effects & Interplanetary Disturbances database (IZMIRAN). Comparison of the observed SW temperature (T) and velocity (V) for the undisturbed SW allows us to derive a formula for the expected SW temperature (Texp, the temperature given by a T–V formula, if V is the observed SW speed). The results reveal a power-law T–V dependence with a steeper slope for low speeds (V < 425 km s−1, exponent = 3.29 ± 0.02) and flatter slope for high speeds (V > 425 km s−1, exponent = 2.25 ± 0.02). A study of changes in the T–V dependence over the last five solar cycles finds that this dependence varies with solar activity. The calculated temperature index KT = T/Texp can be used as an indicator of interplanetary and solar sources of FDs. It usually has abnormally large values in interaction regions of different-speed SW streams and abnormally low values inside magnetic clouds (MCs). The results obtained help us to identify the different kinds of interplanetary disturbance: interplanetary CMEs, sheaths, MCs, corotating interaction regions, high-speed streams from CHs, and mixed events.

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