
Industrial heat converters are essential to meet the growing demand for thermal energy in industries. This demand can be met by designing solar heat absorbers which can be used as renewable energy sources for these industries. The effective solar absorber is built with the efficient three layers of top and based layer is constructed with the titanium (Ti), and the middle layer is demonstrated with the Gallium Arsenide (GaAs). The resonator (Ti) layer is in the mathematical sign divide and the proposed design can be effectively explored in the four different infrared light regions. The second layer of the GaAs layer is sandwiched between the two Ti-based and resonator layers. In this divide sign solar absorber, the proposed resulting percentage can be identified by using the four peak wavelengths in micrometers of 0.45 for λ1, 0.8 for λ2, 2.2 for λ3, and 2.5 for λ4 respectively. The resulting absorption rate can be presented in three sections of 700 nm bandwidth is above 95% in that rate and the section of 710 nm bandwidth is above 90%. The overall accepted rate from 0.2 to the highest rate of 3 µm is 2800 nm and explores the average rate of greater than 90% (90.16%). The expression of the proposed divided sign solar absorber, the building section's multistep inclusions, and the Air Mass (AM)1.5 situation in the different color sections can also be approved. The different studies of the design section can be expressed by changing the Ti-based and resonator layers, GaAs middle layer. Moreover, the amount of chemical potential and the TE and TM difference can also be analyzed with the degree changes from 0 to 50 degrees. The proposed dividend solar design can be used as a heat converter in industries as effective renewable energy such as cooling techniques, oil refining, recovery systems, air conditioning.

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