
We present in this study a synthesis of results on the initiation and development of CMEs using coordinated observations from SOHO and ground-based instruments. The emphasis is placed on radio spectral and imaging data. One important goal of this study is the identification of radio signatures of CMEs providing information below one solar radius above the limb. CMEs can be accompanied by radio emission from thermal or non-thermal origin. Multifrequency radio imaging observations allow us to observe the initial steps of CMEs and to get information on the nature of the triggering mechanisms, on the CME lateral progression above the solar limb as well as above the solar disk. They also reveal the dynamical behavior of CMEs or of the eruptive filament cavity in the low and middle corona and make the link with coronagraphic data. Systematic radio surveys showing the space-time evolution of the emitting sources, like the examples presented in this study, are important tools for synoptic studies.

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