
Objectives: Data on spatial distribution of solar radiation characteristics are required in buildings thermal values modeling, as input data in climatic, ecological and agricultural models, at assessment of climatological changes longterm consequences. Methods: For the spatial distribution analysis of radiation balance components data of NASA Surface meteorology and Solar Energy for 1981-2003 were used. On the basis of calculation methods use the detailed assessment of solar radiation climatic resources space variability for the Kirov region (Russian Federation) is executed. Meso-climatic maps of radiation balance components and solar radiation duration are constructed. Results: The carried-out division into districts allowed to approach the optimum environmental management of the studied territory problem rationally. The spatial distribution of helio-energy potential indexes is considered. Research of solar radiation characteristics inter-annual variability showed that, in general, their distribution across the territory is similar to distribution of their mean values. Indexes of solar radiation differ in the greatest variability during the summer period and make 60-115 MJ/sq. m, the least in the winter – 4-17 MJ/sq.m. Applications: Using data on Sun height at various latitudes, the greatest possible monthly running time of solar installations on clear sky condition was defined.

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