
Most of the Indian people are dependent on agriculture and for this reason our country’s economy is mainly dependent on agriculture, so efficient agriculture requires proper irrigation and can improve our country’s economy accordingly. We can achieve this with the help of various electronic devices and through its use we can get proper irrigation in this field in an automated manner. Project Irrigation and Water Level Control using AT89S52 designed to address agricultural sector issues related to irrigation and water monitoring systems with available water resources. Prolonged periods of dry weather conditions due to fluctuations in annual rainfall can significantly reduce agricultural yields. Profiteering companies need an efficient irrigation system as their intolerance to the cost and drought of establishing these crops. On this project we're the usage of AT89s52 (8051 microcontroller), humidity sensor, dc water pump, relay driving force, level sensor, gsm modem, sun panel, battery etc. A sprinkler turns on / off depending on soil moisture condition and condition. The motor can be displayed in text messages via the GSM model on a 16X2 LCD. Also, the water level can be monitored by level sensors. It helps to know the availability of water at the input source

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