
Abstract— This Paper presents an accurate method for estimation of solar irradiance of a PV module. The solar irradiance estimation method is derived using the efficient approximation of a PV model based on Thevenin equivalent circuit . The short linear combination of exponential function is used for constructing a mathematical function that is used to express the Thevenin voltage source of a PV panel. The proposed algorithm for estimation of solar irradiance use Newton Raphson method based on extensively analysis of a photovoltaic mathematical model and it is applied for a wide range of operating point variations . The proposed method has the ability to estimate the parameters, which are required for constructing the mathematical model of a PV in addition to estimate the solar irradiance . The accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated in MATLAB for a photovoltaic panel by using experimental data which is obtained from data sheet under different operating conditions. Index Terms— photovoltaic modeling; pyranometer; solar irradiance Photovoltaic Model; Thevenin equivalent circuit System; Exponential sum models.

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