
The fundamental hypothesis by Alfven and Carlqvist (1967) that solar flares are related to electrical currents in the solar chromosphere and low corona is investigated in the light of modern observations. We confirm the important role of currents in solar flares. There must be tens of such current loops (‘flux threads’) in any flare, and this explains the hierarchy of bursts in flares. We summarize quantitative data on energies, numbers of particles involved and characteristic times. A special case is the high-energy flare: this one may originate in the same way as less energetic ones, but it occurs in regions with higher magnetic field strength. Because of the high particle energies involved their emission seats live only very briefly; hence the area of emission coincides virtually with the seat of the instability. These flares are therefore the best examples for studying the primary instability leading to the flare. Finally, we compare the merits of the original Alfven-Carlqvist idea (that flares originate by current interruption) with the one that they are due to interaction (reconnection) between two or more fluxthreads. We conclude that a final decision cannot yet be made, although the observed extremely short time constants of flare bursts seem to demand a reconnection-type instability rather than interruption of a circuit.

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