
The current challenges of climate change and the fluctuating oil prices on the world market make it imperative to consider cheaper and alternative sources of energy for agricultural and rural development in Ghana. Solar energy is an environmentally friendly source of energy as compared to other conventional forms of energy and it is capable of providing all the energy needs of the world. This article seeks to draw the attention of government, NGOs, policy makers, stakeholders and the general public about the enormous energy from the sun and the need to tap such energy for agricultural and rural development. The research was carried out through field visitations and extensive review of important literature on renewable energy. The paper outlines the various uses of solar energy in agriculture such as crop drying and processing, pumping of water for irrigation, power supply, water heating and many more. It reviews solar energy use in Ghana and highlights the principles of solar energy. The paper also outlines the benefits and concludes with suggested recommendations which can help accelerate agricultural and rural development through solar energy application in Ghana.

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