
To investigate the effects of decadal solar variability in ozone, data obtained from the Halogen Occultation Experiment (HALOE) onboard Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) during the period 1992–2004 have been analysed using a multifunctional regression model. Solar effects on ozone are analysed over the 0–30˚ N and 0–30˚ S belts. The solar effect on ozone is found to be significant in most of the stratosphere (2 ± 1.1 to 4 ± 1.6%/100 sfu). It is negligible in the lower mesosphere whereas it is of the order of 5%/100 sfu in the upper mesosphere. These observed results are in reasonable agreement with model simulations. Results indicate a hemispheric symmetry in the tropics. Results obtained in the present study are also compared with the results obtained by other workers.

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