
[1] While the average ion mass M (normalized to amu) of bulk plasma at geosynchronous orbit has been calculated at solar maximum (during the era of the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES)), the solar cycle dependence of bulk ion composition at geosynchronous orbit is not known. Here, we use measurements of mass density ρm from Alfven wave frequencies measured by the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites and ion density measurements by the Magnetospheric Particle Analyzer (MPA) on Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) spacecraft to establish the solar cycle dependence of bulk ion composition. We show that there is a strong correlation between the yearly median value of ρm, ρm,yr−med, and the yearly average of the solar EUV flux F10.7, F10.7,yr−av; log10(ρm,yr−med) ≃ 0.5089 + 0.003607F10.7,yr−av (for ρm values adjusted to a magnetic latitude MLAT of 8°). We calibrate the measurements of the MPA instrument on one spacecraft to those from another by using yearly median density values. Then, using close conjunctions of LANL spacecraft with CRRES (for which we have inferred values of ρm and ne), we calibrate the ideal theoretical value of MPA ion density nMPA−th (the value that MPA would measure if it measured all the ions) to the observed values directly measured by the instrument, nMPA−obs. We find that nMPA−th is approximately 1.47 times the value of nMPA−obs measured by the LANL 1994 spacecraft. Using the yearly median values of ρm as a function of F10.7, the yearly median values of nMPA−th from the MPA instruments, and a model for the concentration of He+, we are able to calculate the solar cycle dependence of the average ion mass M and the O+ concentration ηO+ ≡ nO+/ne. We find that M is typically ∼3.8 at solar maximum and near unity at solar minimum. Typical values of ηO+ vary by 2 orders of magnitude over the solar cycle, from about 0.2 at solar maximum to ∼2 × 10−3 at solar minimum. Furthermore, our results also demonstrate that the typical concentration of He+ must also be very low at solar minimum. Since the median yearly values of density are low, characteristic of the plasma trough, our results are most applicable to that region. Considering, however, that the plasmasphere and plume typically have a low concentration of O+, the concentration of O+ at geosynchronous orbit at solar minimum is likely to be low for all conditions (with the possible exception of very low densities for which the high-energy component might dominate).

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