
AbstractY2O3: Eu3+, Tb3+ nanopowders were prepared via the sol–gel process, using yttrium pentadionate, europium, terbium nitrates, and ethanol as precursors. After the sol evaporation at 100°C, the formed gel was annealed from 300 to 900°C for 15 min, and the obtained nanopowders were analyzed by X-ray diffraction to characterize the microstructural behavior and the crystalline structure, which was determined as mainly cubic. The crystallite size varies from 8.6 to 30.9 nm, at 500 and 900°C, respectively. Transmission electron microscopy studies were carried out in order to analyze the microstructure and the size of crystallites. Three different Tb3+ atomic contents (0.005, 0.075, and 0.01 at.%) were used at a fixed Eu3+ level (2.5 at.%) with the aim of determining the relationship between the co-doping content and the scintillation intensity of the well-known 5Do→7F2 europium emission band at 611 nm. The results show that at higher Tb3+ contents, a quenching process occurs between Eu3+ and Tb3+; however, even with the lowest Tb3+ content (0.005 at.%), an increment on the scintillation light yield is observed compared with a Eu3+ monodoped sample.

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