
Research on personal names, especially in non-Western societies has continued to attract scholarly attention due to the many facets revealed when these names are studied. This researchs ought to establish the social aspects that influence the selection and bestowal of Tumbuka personal names within the Tumbuka social and cultural setting. It was conducted using the qualitative approach to data collection and analysis. Data were collected from existing records and through semi-structured interviews and introspection. Research participants were purposively selected based on their knowledge of Tumbuka culture. From the findings, it was established that among the Tumbuka people of Lundazi District Zambia, personal names are a reflection of various aspects of their society. Some of the messages reflected in the names analysed in this studyshow how Tumbuka culture and traditions influence the naming practices. Based on the findings, the study concluded that sociocultural motivation plays a critical role in the choice of personal names among the Tumbuka people.

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