
Soilscapes of the Ghaggar river basin falling in Haryana and Punjab were interpreted and studied by using the Landsat imagery and aerial photographs. Five major landform units identified and demarcated in the area were : channel courses, levees, flood-plains undulating, basinal floodplains and relict basins. On the basis of sedimentation, nature of the river pattern and soil characteristics, the whole basin was divided into three reaches — upper, middle and lower. Taxonomically the soils were placed under Typic Ustipsamments, Typic Ustorthents and lypic Ustifluvents on channel courses; Aquic Ustifluvents, Typic Ustifluvents and Typic Ustochrepts on levees; Fluventic Ustochrepts, Udic Ustochrepts and lypic Camborthids on floodplains undulating; Typic Ustorthents and Udic Ustochrepts on basinal floodplains; Typic Natrustalfs and Natric Camborthids on relict basins. Two new subgroups were proposed, i.e., Natric within the order of Entisol and Inceptisol, and Aquic-udic within the order of Inceptisol. Two dominant geomorphic processes were observed, i.e., fluvial and aeolian.

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