
AbstractBecause of low average rainfall, sparse vegetative cover, and relatively gentle slopes, soil differences in the Beryl‐Enterprise area strongly reflect parent material and time factors of soil development. In the better drained, more recent, and somewhat older alluvial fan and terrace positions free of excess soluble salts, carbonates, and exchangeable sodium, soil development appears to progress from the Alluvial great soil group through various stages of the Sierozems, called minimal, medial, and maximal. Removal of lime from the A1 and B2 horizons, increasing clay formation and concentration in the B2 horizon, increasing lime in the Cea, and decreasing reaction in the A1 and B2 accompany these stages. In areas relatively high in carbonates, profile development has been dominated by lime movement and concentration in the Cea horizon. The soils are calcareous to the surface and show little evidence of clay formation, movement, or concentration. These soils are classified as Calcisols. Where excessive soluble salts, exchangeable sodium, or both have been an important factor, Solonetz development has resulted. Such soils are confined to the basin area and to minimal and medial stages of development.

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