
Background: Soil test based application of plant nutrients helps to realize higher response ratio and benefit: cost ratio as the nutrients are applied in proportion to the magnitude of the deficiency of a particular nutrient and the correction of the nutrients imbalance in soil helps to harness the synergistic effects of balanced fertilizationMethods: Soil test crop response correlation studies were conducted to formulate the fertilizer adjustment equations for soybean (Var. GS-3) under integrated plant nutrition system on medium black calcareous soils during year 2016 and 2017 in kharif season following Ramamoorthy’s inductive-cum-targeted yield approach.Result: The nutrients requirement for producing one quintal of soybean was 5.65, 0.91 and 2.53 kg of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively in presence of FYM (indicate dose). The per cent contributions from soil and fertilizer nutrients were found to be 35.03 and 74.5 for nitrogen, 55.13 and 27.6 for phosphorus and 10.36 and 51.6 per cent for potassium with FYM, Similarly, the per cent contribution of fertilizers was 65.25 for nitrogen, 22.49 for phosphorus and 43.89 for potassium without FYM. The per cent nutrient contribution of FYM was 28.27 for nitrogen, 4.97 for phosphorus and 10.48 for potassium.

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