
the Main Garrison. Characteristics of dens used by radiocollared foxes were seldom consistent with previously published descriptions because many dens were enlarged burrows of California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi). California ground squirrels were the most frequently occurring prey remains (48.2%) in scats collected at Camp Roberts; remains of insects were observed in 25.9% of the scats. Frequencies of occurrence of lagomorphs (5.9%) and kangaroo rats (Dipodomys sp.) (l.2%), preferred kit fox prey elsewhere, were unexpectedly low. The proportions of prey items in scats varied between locations. Vehicles killed 22% of the foxes found dead, 11% were killed by predators, 1 fox became trapped in a verticle pipe and died, and a cause could not be determined for 56% of the deaths. Evidence showing that foxes bred successfully was gathered for both posts. Recommendations were made to restrict aerial applications of rodenticides to those areas outside the known distributions of the kit fox and a 1.6-km buffer, and to implement a program to monitor effects on nontarget species. 25 refs., 21 figs., 15 tabs.

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