
Problem Statement and Purpose. The most relevant «language» law of Ukraine is «On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language». One of its tasks is to use the language in accordance with the requirements of Ukrainian spelling and other standards of the state language; to use of Ukrainian words, phrases and terms instead of foreign ones, raising the level of awareness of citizens about them. The purpose of the study is to analyze the changes in Ukrainian soil science terminology in the XX‑th century; to inform the scientific community, citizens about the forgotten Ukrainian soil phrases and terms, to «reanimate» some of them. Data & Methods. Research methods: analysis and synthesis, comparative, comparative-historical, descriptive, source analysis. We can learn the most of the Ukrainian soil science terminology from the works of scientists of the 20–30’s years of the XX century. H. H. Makhov’s monograph «Soils of Ukraine» (1930) we consider to be the most authoritative scientific publication of that period. Results.The article presents Ukrainian soil science terms of the period of «Ukrainization» and their modern interpretation, as well as terms in dictionaries of different years of publications. The origin and development of some soil science terms (podzolization, capillary border, chernozem, podzol) are analyzed. It is proposed to use popeliasti soils and words derived from it instead of the term podzolic soils in Ukraine (spopil’nennia, popil’niaky etc.), as well as to return the terms pozem, verstva, proverstky, verstvuvatist’, etc. to scientific use. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of changes that have taken place in the Ukrainian soil science terminology, substantiation of the expediency of returning some forgotten phrases and terms. The need to preserve the identity of the Ukrainian language, in particular in soil science, was emphasized.

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