
Pollution-related lead (Pb) andmercury (Hg) in mor layers of Southern Swedenmight have effects on soil biology, although inthe literature effect concentrations have beenidentified at much higher levels. Considerablesmall-scale spatial variability in heavy metalcontents and microbial respiration in mor layersof forest sites was used to calculatecorrelations that could reveal toxic effects.Negative correlations were always strongest atsites with high loads of Pb or Hg, which was considered to indicate metal toxicity. The highload sites were found in Southwestern Sweden,locally at a motorway and at a chlorine-alkalifactory. Other factors of possible influence,such as other pollutants, age of organic materialor climatic differences, would affect high andlow load sites alike. Negative correlations withrespiration were found for Pb at sites with ≥74 μg g-1 of mean Pb content in Of-layer and for Hg at ≥0.25 μg g-1.

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