
HNV agricultural systems were first described as agricultural systems of predominantly low intensity which imply a relatively complex relation with the environment. They preserve important habitats on both cultivated and grazed land and they include diverse landscape elements such as hedgerows, fruit trees, or lakes/ponds. In the European Union Strategy framework of mitigating climate change, protecting the environment, and ensuring public health, following researches that undertook the task to build the first national soil data base from the high natural value areas (HNV). One of the eligible area for HNV compensatory payments, where was analyzed the fertility state of soils is located in the Suceava area. It was studied in six depth profiles and six adjacent agrochemical samples collected from the 0-20 cm layer. Chemical analyses showed that the soils prove to be rather poor, but within the limits frequently encountered in such areas, with an acceptable level of fertility and good conditions for characteristic plants growth. Cationic exchange capacity is generally low. Excessive nitrates quantities were determined in the upper horizon of two of the analyzed profiles. Both of these profiles belong to the HNV administered territory therefore; compliance with the set of rules regarding HNV eligibility should be more attentively monitored.

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