
An IPCC-based Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) was developed to monitor soil organic C stocks and flows to assist New Zealand to achieve its CO2 emissions reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol. Geo-referenced soil C data from 1158 sites (0.3 m depth) were used to assign steady-state soil C stocks to various combinations of soil class, climate, and land use. Overall, CMS soil C stock estimates are consistent with detailed, stratified soil C measurements at specific sites and over larger regions. Soil C changes accompanying land-use changes were quantified using a national set of land-use effects (LUEs). These were derived using a General Linear Model to include the effects of numeric predictors (e.g., slope angle). Major uncertainties a rise from estimates of changes in the areas involved, the assumption that soil C is at steady state for all land-cover types, and lack of soil C data for some LUEs. Total national soil organic C stocks estimated using the LUEs for 0–0.1, 0.1–0.3, and 0.3–1 m depths were 1300 ± 20, 1590 ± 30, and 1750 ± 70 Tg, respectively. Most soil C is stored in grazing lands (1480 ± 60 Tg to 0.3 m depth), which appear to be at or near steady state; their conversion to exotic forests and shrubland contributed most to the predicted national soil C loss of 0.6 ± 0.2 Tg C yr-1 during 1990–2000. Predicted and measured soil C changes for the grazing-forestry conversion agreed closely. Other uncertainties in our current soil CMS include: spatially integrated annual changes in soil C for the major land-use changes, lack of soil C change estimates below 0.3 m, C losses from erosion, the contribution of agricultural management of organic soils, and a possible interaction between land use and our soil-climate classification. Our approach could be adapted for use by other countries with land-use-change issues that differ from those in the IPCC default methodology. Key words: Soil organic carbon, land-use change, stocks, flows, measurement, modelling, IPCC

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