
The peat soils are high in organic matter and have very fertile soil for oil palm cultivation. This study was focusing on the effectiveness of soil mounding practices in oil palm plantation sector under peat soil field based on their yield performance. The secondary data has been taken at P.T Nafasindo Acheh Singkil, Indonesia. The data was analyzed by using Sigma Plot and Microsoft Excel software. Soil mounding application is one of the best management practices that can help to increase the oil palm production in peat area. The tendency of the oil palm to become lean and falling are very high if the oil palms are planted in the peat soil area. The roots of the palm tree also will appear on the ground of the soil surface. So, these practices have been done to prevent the oil palm to lean and to fall. Furthermore, these practices can enhance root growth and the root can uptake enough nutrient for the oil palm uptake. This study found that there is a significant difference in the yield and nutritive value of the oil palm when soil mounding is applied. It is difficult to manage the oil palm plantation under peat soil area, but with a good management practice, especially soil mounding the products of the oil palm from that area can compete for the yield production from mineral soil area.

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