
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) reflection travel time data were used to estimate changes in soil water content under a range of soil saturation conditions throughout the growing season at a California winery. Data were collected during three data acquisition campaigns over an 80 by 180 m area using 100 MHz surface GPR antennas. GPR reflections were associated with a thin, low permeability clay layer located 0.8–1.3 m below the ground surface that was identified from borehole information and mapped across the study area. Field infiltration tests and neutron probe logs suggest that the thin clay layer inhibited vertical water flow, and was coincident with high volumetric water content (VWC) values. The GPR reflection two-way travel time and the depth of the reflector at the borehole locations were used to calculate an average dielectric constant for soils above the reflector. A site-specific relationship between the dielectric constant and VWC was then used to estimate the depth-averaged VWC of the soils above the reflector. Compared to average VWC measurements from calibrated neutron probe logs over the same depth interval, the average VWC estimates obtained from GPR reflections had an RMS error of 0.018 m 3 m −3. These results suggested that the two-way travel time to a GPR reflection associated with a geological surface could be used under natural conditions to obtain estimates of average water content when borehole control is available and the reflection strength is sufficient. The GPR reflection method therefore, has potential for monitoring soil water content over large areas and under variable hydrological conditions.

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